Educational Posters
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This definitive table developed by Frank A. Gerbode, M.D. shows what attitude a person will have given their condition on the Emotional Scale in twenty areas of life including Ability, Control, Success, Perception, Rightness, Relationships, Identity, Ethics, and more. Useful study aid for Life Skills readers.
Developed for the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation (ICISF) 2005 poster presentation series by TIR Trainer Ragnhild Malnati, LCSW. The main body text reads:
"Traumatic Incident Reduction (TIR) is a unique method of treatment. It is highly focused, directive, and controlled, yet wholly person-centered, non-interpretive, and non-judgmental.
In competent hands, this technique is a powerful tool for use in the rapid and successful resolution of virtually any trauma-related condition.
TIR has also been successful in treating specific phobias, depression, and anxiety, as well as other unwanted feelings. TIR is a brief exposure technique which both permits, and typically results in, spontaneous client-generated insight and personal growth."